Are you looking for something fun and exciting for your kids during spring break or winter break? Here at Polygon Academy, you can engage your children from Kindergarten to 6th Grade in a fun-filled learning environment, while helping them develop social skills and make new friends. During the one-week camps, campers will be participating in developing and improving their skills by working on hands-on projects, doing Arts & Crafts, playing indoor and outdoor games, all while having fun! Our instructors modulate the experience based on the needs of each individual child, while maintaining a loving and friendly atmosphere.
Polygon Academy's goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment for kids to explore their capabilities and focus on having fun. We offer a variety of STEAM camps: Ice Skating, Cooking, Robotics, Programming, Arts, and Swimming are some of our most popular camps. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a camp today!
Tech camps
Python Starter
In this one-week course, students will be introduced to Python basics with the emphasis on how to generate components required for game making. Concepts that will be covered include loops, variables, functions, conditional statements, event listeners, lists, sets, error checking, and some more. Students will be encouraged to incorporate what they learn to build a game of their design. Let kids experience how to bring ideas to reality using one of the most widely used programming languages.

Grade | Level | Required | Date | When | Where | Tuition |
4th grade and up | Beginner | Any laptop that can run Chrome browser | Dec 28, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021 | Mon - Fri, 1:00pm - 3:00pm | Online Class | $245 |
Cakery Bakery
This course is a beginner level Web programming class where students are introduced to the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript while they implement a making and decorating a 3 layers virtual cake application. This class covers conditional statements (if, else if and else statements).
Tech points - Basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript definitions and their relationships. - HTML including head, style, title, body ,script, section, p, h1, h2, h3, button, a, img, audio, input, label, div tags - CSS including simple selectors (class, id, tag name), many properties (background, font, width, height, display, position, margin, padding), box model and positioning html elements in a screen - JavaScript including var, function, querySelector, getElementById, addEventListener, appendChild, removeChild, array data structure, if, else if, else statements and 3 ways of function definitions
Grade | Level | Required | Date | When | Where | Tuition |
5th grade and up | Beginner | Any laptop that can run Chrome browser | Dec 28, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021 | Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 1:00pm | Online Class | $375 |
Minecraft + Python
This is perfectly course for beginner students to get on board with Python. Apply coding and math to build mod in Minecraft. While having fun, students will get immersed with coding and realize the power of coding to create their own world in Minecraft®. Students will learn fundamental coding concepts and game physics. **Minecraft Java edition license is required.
Grade | Level | Required | Date | When | Where | Tuition |
5th grade and up | Beginner | Any laptop that can run Chrome browser | Dec 28, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021 | Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 12:00pm | Online Class | $245 |
TechBiz Camp - Build your website and pitch your idea
America is currently experiencing what some are calling a "startup boom. That's right — even with a raging pandemic and an ugly recession, America is seeing a boom in the creation of new businesses." ~ From With a pandemic, we might be physically isolated, yet digitally we are completely connected throughout the world. What it entails is that you can build your dream product and sell it not just in your country, but globally. If you want to introduce your students to entrepreneurship, then this is the right camp for them to learn how to build their own company and product website as a budding entrepreneur. The next tech or non-tech entrepreneurship journey will give a tremendous edge toward those who know how to code and understand how their websites are being built for optimal purposes. Digital Certificates will be awarded upon completion.
Build your own company website from scratch & create a biz plan and learn how to pitch successfully, from 9:30am-12:30am (website building, 1:30pm-2:30pm (pitch coaching)
Grade | Level | Required | Date | When | Where | Tuition |
6th grade and up | Beginner | Any laptop that can run Chrome browser | Dec 28, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021 | Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 2:30pm | Online Class | $495 |
Mad Science Camp
This hands-on Mad Science program teaches you all about aerodynamics and the world above us! Explore the basic principles of flight, build airplanes, ride a hovercraft and construct balloon copters. Learn about celestial navigation and take home a rocket you build yourself!
DiveDive into the realms of the Chemical and Physical world in this crazy week of non-stop action – and Reaction! Explore our wonderlab and find eggs that don’t break, ice that doesn’t melt and discover how to freeze time! Perform spectacular hands on experiments and continue the fun at home with the gadgets you’ve designed in the lab!

Session | Camp Name | Start Date | End Date | Age | Time | Cost |
Dec Virtual | Reactions in Action | Dec 21 | Dec 23 | 6 to 10 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | $95 |
Dec Virtual | Jet Cadets | Dec 28 | Dec 30 | 6 to 10 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | $95 |
Creative Young Leaders Workshop (Instill Values in Childrens)
What is it?
This workshop has been developed with the vision of holistic growth of school children and cultivating values in our future leaders. Our vision is to facilitate a child’s self discovery through creative engagement with the goal of creating positive social change. Created by experts in the field of community arts, mindfulness, leadership development, character-based education, and music, it includes four sessions, 60 minutes each. Curriculum is based on Living Values Education Program which is supported by UNESCO and other global foundations.
Why should you attend?
Each session weaves in leadership principles, social justice, sustainability, philosophy, storytelling, movement, meditation, self-discovery, creative expression and science-based curriculum
Learning Objectives:
- Leadership principles
- Self awareness
- Relationship management
- Conflict resolution
Who is it for?
Ideal for families with elementary, middle and High school children. Parents interested in fostering holistic growth and cultivating values-based leaders of the future. Science shows 80% of learning comes from watching parents, much more than listening to teachers. So it is important for a parent to accompany each child in this workshop so the growth journey continues at home much after the sessions.
What can you expect?
Workshop delves into following values:
- Love
- Peace
- Happiness
- Humility
Session Layout
- Learning Goal for the Day (5 min.)
- Story (5 min.)
- Interactive Game (15 min.)
- Reflection Questions (10 min.)
- Hands-on Exercise (15 min.)
- Q&A, Take-aways (10 min.)
About the Facilitator
Jay Chodagam is a storyteller, TEDx speaker and kite surfer who has recently moved to Cupertino. He is a trained Living Values educator who hosts children's residential retreats and workshops each year in several countries. After training as a monk and living in an ashram for 18 years, he traveled to 60 countries to help people develop SQ (spiritual quotient), to live happy and fulfilling lives.

Session | Camp Name | Start Date | End Date | Time | Cost |
Instil Value camp | Creative Young Leaders Workshop | Dec 19 | Dec 20 | 11:00 am–12:00 pm | $100 For 1 Child & 1 Adult |
* To attend this session one parent and child is a must from the same household.
**If you are interested in an in-person session please let us know via email
*** Classes are Sat Sun Dec 19 and Dec 20, 2020
****Each additional adult or child is $50.
Online Young Entrepreneur
Polygon Academy wants to make sure quality learning continues for kids during this crisis time. So here we have
Our Young Entrepreneur camp, which is designed for Young kids age 7-12 who are interested in learning about running a business
During the camp kids will make their own company to sell a product. They will learn the basic skill needed to build a company. They will learn principles of business to generate business plans, strategies, and how to market a product. Kids will come up with their own ideas and products. This course lays the foundation of the middle and high school's Business courses DACA and FBLA .This course will also help them in future business competitions. Learning principles of entrepreneurship helps children gain self-confidence thus increasing their thinking power in applying their ideas and abilities in other aspects of life as well.

Session | Start Date | End Date | Age | Time | Cost |
Entrepreneur Camp | Dec 21 | Dec 23 | 8 to 13 | 9:00 am–12:00 pm | $165 |
Online Art Camp
Polygon Academy wants to make sure quality learning continues for kids during this crisis time. So here we have
Our Art camp, which is designed for Young kids age 5-12, is a great way for you little ones who are interested in creativity. This camp will engage children in creating a landscape, drawing, and anime with the instructor. The instructor will provide step by step instruction to create each of the theme projects. Kids can also enhance the project based on their imagination and creativity. Please note- the project may be differ. All kid’s projects results will be based on their age, effort and expertise.

Session | Camp Name | Start Date | End Date | Age | Time | Cost |
December Virtual | Art and Drawing | Dec 21 | Dec 23 | 6 to 10 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | $80 |
December Virtual | Art and Drawing | Dec 28 | Dec 31 | 6 to 10 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | $80 |
Online Clay and Craft Camp
Polygon Academy wants to make sure quality learning continues for kids during this crisis time. So here we have
Our Clay camp, which is designed for Young kids ages 5-12, is a great way for you little one who are with us in creativity. This camp will engage children using the air-dry clay or Bake clay in making necklaces, heart shape trays, and more by learning the art of kneading clay and shaping it as per their design. Kids will be using dry clay and acrylic color or colored clay as their raw material and some basic tools. Teacher will guide the kids step by step to create the design. Kids can also enhance the project based on their imagination and creativity. Kids will also create craft throughout the week. Please note- the project may be differ. All kid’s projects results will be based on their age, effort and expertise.

Session | Camp Name | Start Date | End Date | Age | Time | Cost |
December Virtual | Clay Camp | Dec 21 | Dec 23 | 6 to 10 | 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | $90 |
December Virtual | Clay Camp | Dec 28 | Dec 31 | 6 to 10 | 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | $90 |
Creative Writing Camp
By learning how to turn their imagination into words, children learn how to put ideas on paper, thus making them into successful communicators. As children learn the art of narration, their Ideas may not always come across as fluid as one may wish them to, but they are still very concrete Ideas that can attain perfection with some training. A big three-headed cat that turns into tomatoes, a spider defeating a lion, or a mad scientist befriending a computer - these are just a few examples of how the Lekha Way can bring out the imagination of a child.
Storytelling is a polished form of public speaking and helps build confidence in oneself. Nuances of body language, voice modulation, and character personification will be the focus of the week. Props, movement, and other tools of the trade will be discussed and practiced.

Session | Camp Name | Dates | Timing | Price |
Story writing | Animal stories 2nd-4th | Dec 21-24, 2020 | 9:00-12:00 pm (PST) | $200/child |
Story writing | Mystery stories 5th-8th | Dec 21-24, 2020 | 9:00-12:00 pm (PST) | $200/child |